It's not uncommon for an air conditioner to break down toward the end of summer. Temperatures can soar in the late summer after your AC has already been working hard for months. Parts might strain and give out or your AC might malfunction if you've not been keeping up with maintenance and changing the filter.

Here are some AC repair services you might need and things you can do yourself to make it through the final stretch of hot weather.

Call For Service When You Hear Odd Noises

Some parts, such as the capacitors and fan motors might start making unusual noises when they're wearing out. When you hear new or louder than usual sounds coming from your AC, call your AC repair service to have the part checked and replaced if needed. This could save you from an AC breakdown later that leaves you in the miserable heat and leads to the extra expense of an emergency service call.

Maintain Airflow Through Your System

Your air conditioner needs adequate airflow to cool your house. A clogged filter can block airflow and lead to an AC malfunction or breakdown. By simply changing your filter regularly, you can prevent this problem. Other things that affect airflow include blocking the fins on the condenser cage, crowding around the outdoor unit from weeds or clutter, and problems with the fan or blower.

Even dirty register grilles or moving your couch over a vent could interfere with airflow. Do your best to keep your AC free from dust and to keep air flowing. If it doesn't feel like enough air is moving through the vents, call an AC repair service to pinpoint the problem and make repairs.

Protect Your Unit From Strain

When the temperature gets excessively hot and the air is humid, your AC may struggle to reach the set temperature on the thermostat. You might need to raise the temperature setting until the heatwave passes.

You can help your AC unit through hot weather by providing shade for it. Just be sure to keep plenty of space open around the unit for airflow. Shade might keep the temperature in the condenser a little cooler so the parts don't have to work so hard to operate.

Similarly, an AC that doesn't shut off could be a sign of low refrigerant or other problems that need to be fixed. Your system is supposed to run for several minutes and then shut off. If it runs continuously, the AC may be working too hard to keep your home cool. This can drive up your power bill as well as strain your AC unit.
