You probably do not give your air conditioner a second thought once the weather turns cold. You may have taken the time to put a cover on the outside unit, but that is as far as you have gone. It is time to change that attitude and make arrangements for a technician to come to service the entire system, in the winter. There are many good reasons to do this and here are just a few.
Save Money
When the weather turns cold, and people are not running their AC units, the technicians do not have many emergency repair calls. In fact, AC technicians don't have many calls at all. They are basically out of work for that part of the year unless they also repair heating systems. This means they are willing to cut a deal to get some work. Most HVAC companies will offer big discounts for air conditioning servicing.
Pick Your Time
Because AC repairmen are not busy in the winter, you can pick and choose when you want them to come to your home. If you wait until they are busy again in the spring and early summer, you may have to wait a while and then set the appointment for a time when you should be at work.
Ready for Summer
When you have your AC unit and system serviced and repaired over the winter, you won't have to worry about it not working when things start to heat up. The technician can take their time, making sure to go over all the different parts and then discuss a repair schedule with you so you won't have to have all the work done at once. This way you can be sure that when the time comes to turn the system on it will be running as efficiently as possible. It will also give you the chance to consider having a new unit installed if the current one is not going to work well or is using too much electricity due to its age and condition.
Contact Your local air conditioning repair company and ask about any discounts they may be offering. Check around to find the one that will best suit your needs, but be sure that the company has a good reputation. Talk with friends and co-workers to find out who they use. Of course, if you have been happy with the service, you have been getting, be sure to talk with them about discounted services, too.